Saturday, May 23, 2009

Kuala Lumpur - Aquarium Education Centre

Interesting place to visit especially for divers as they have a full range of touch screen TV's that tell divers all about the dive sites around the Malaysian islands.
I took the opportunity to try a few macro shots of some of the fish and friends in the tanks around the education centre. Just to try out that new camera and see what it can do.

I can't wait to visit home and go to the Kruger Park with this camera.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Petronas Towers - Skybridge

So what would a last minute - un planned visit to Kuala Lumpur be if you do not go to the Petronas Towers again. This time however the pictures are taken from the bridge rather than from below.

The fountain at the front entrance to the towers...

Up the lift we go and you get to spend ten minutes on the bridge which is in actual fact not even fully attached to the building and weighs a bout four tons, which is the weight of two Boeing's. Scary, the wind can move the bridge a few centimeters if it blows hard enough.

When you look directly down from up there, the fact that it is not fully attached is quite nerve wrecking...

The park and waterways just outside of the Towers. If you look really closely you can see the metal sculpture of the whale I took photos of last time. (Top left hand corner)

Kuala Lumpur - China Town

Not much to say about China Town. It is the same as every other China Town I've been to. Stall on Stall packed with fake labels in everything your heart desires. From Gucci to Chanel.
And very irritating stall owners who run after you down the road to get you to "invest" in their fake products. According to them of course it's all real...

Big shopping mall just outside of China Town.

Beautiful Chinese lanterns outside a local shop

Chinese Temple

Kuala Lumpur - Central Market

The Central Market in Kuala Lumpur is a must visit for all tourists. Vibrant in colour and rich in aroma. Here you can find all kinds of arts and crafts at all kinds of prices.

My Gran would have loved this market, there is a massive store selling only ribbon, beads and embroidery materials, with things I've never seen before. You gotta love Asia...
Mick is clearly getting tired of my shopping, but that's ok as he found a three hundred year old chair to sit on and the friendly merchant selling the antiques decided to keep him company on the other three hundred year old chair...

A almost three hundred year old door for sale for 8000 RM. I would have bought it if I had a house to go put it in.
Awesome food!!! Do try the Wheat Germ and Honey Juice. It tastes like freshly cut grass, but it grows on you... And even better its good for you...
Local Chinese medicine shop, where they sell all kinds of things believed to have healing powers, such as dried sea stars, sharks fin, seahorses, birds nest and heaven knows what else.
Anybody for some dried squid from Argentina?
At 400 baht a kilo, they can keep it. It tastes horrible...

Once outside in the main road, the true Malay culture comes to light. This area not geared as a typical tourist area is frequented by the Malay people for cheap Malay lunches which consist of curries, nan breads and roti. You can't help but think only of eating when you walk through the streets with all the curry smells following you...

Loved it.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


The Thai New Year Festival kicked off with a bang.

I left my room and five steps down the road I was soaked to the bone and had red and white powder smeered in my face...

The Thai people believe that this tradition "The water part" cleanses your soul from the bad things that happened to you or you did the last year to prepare you for this year, and "the powder part" brings you luck and prosperity for the next year.

We embraced the party in true Barakuda style. We changed the shop into a water war zone :)

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Dancing with Manta Rays

One of my best dives ever. Nothing beats being between 18 and 30 meters of blue water and having five manta rays dancing and playing within touching distance from you.

I still have goose bumps...