Wednesday, June 1, 2011

On the Streets of Maputo

Not the cleanest place I have ever been, and my mom will probably have flash backs of our travels through Cambodia, but overall friendly people and easy to navigate. That is if you are OK with the traffic rules of - oh yes what rules???

No no, here you drive at whatever speed you like, where ever you like. It all goes in Africa.

Life during the building phase.

Life at work and play.

We have hundreds of casuals working on the project - always ready and willing with a smile.

My first house - in ruins! Can't wait for the new one to be completed so that I can move in.

The Start of an Mozambican Adventure

My prefect view

So the adventure continues, I haven't blogged in a while and I should do it more often - but I have signed myself up for a new project and seem to not have time to breathe let alone blog most of the time now.
I sometimes find myself wondering why I spent so much time in Asia and felt like I hadn't seen enough in the time that I was there. Yes, most that look at my blog will laugh at this statement as I saw huge amounts, but the traveller in me always wants to see and experience more.

Well with this my stretch in Africa begins, and now that I am here....

I can't wait.