Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Phi Phi - The Islands

Majestic Lime Stone Cliffs - an absolute paradise.
We now live where the movie "The Beach" was made. It is truly one of the most beautiful places in the world, and Eugene and I count ourselves extremely lucky to have had the opportunity to move here.
The Island is unlike anything we have ever experienced. You literally feel like you have dropped off the face of the earth. There are no shopping malls here, no movies, no garages or gas stations, no genral clothing outlets, no cars, no motorbikes, no busses, no nothing in short.

The main mode of transport is bycicles and your feet. Wich is major fun in the monsoon season, as I walk around like a wet dog half of the time. I have learned to live without makeup as the mascara you get here is everything but waterproof and you can just imagine how scarry I look with black marks running down my face.
Well forget about me looking like a war hero and look at the pics of the scenery on Phi Phi.

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