Monday, September 17, 2007

Carlien dive's Koh Haa

What a day, I went out on the speed boat to go and dive Koh Haa (The five Islands)... It is absolutely beautiful and the guy I dived with says that we saw it on a bad day. We had twenty five meters visibility and clear blue waters other that the more green water you have in Phi Phi. I can't wait to go and dive it again when it is considered good conditions, meaning dead calm water and 30 to 35m visibility with things like manta rays around...

It was also my very first experience of cave diving...

Dive one was at what they call the chimney, you enter a small opening only about a meter and a half wide in about 16 meters of water and make your way up through a narrow tunnel to the top which is at about 5 to 7 meters deep, you then swim out into the open only to see a million bubbles coming from to ground which is from the divers who are still in the tunnel below you.

The second dive was at the Cathedral which is even more spectacular. It is a cave which you enter about fifteen meters deep, you surface in the cave to see all the stalactites and stalagmites bearing down on you from the top and the bottom. You can remove your mask and regulator as there are natural air vents in the cave, but you can't see them. It is pitch black dark in there. When you look down you just see this blue water that looks like a gigantic blue stained glass window. Steam builds up in the cave and at intervals get sucked out with the water movement. You then go back down and enter a side tunnel into another cave where you go out into the blue and continue the rest of the dive over a rocky outcrop reef with loads of marine life...

Inside the cathedral looking down into the water
Exiting the cathedral

This is where you stop for lunch, you can see straight through to the bottom from the surface...

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