Monday, November 5, 2007

Videography course

Us in action...

Our first day was spent in the classroom learning camera techniques, handling etc. The underwater housings weigh a ton and my arms literally shakes when you have to hold them up for a long time. Thank goodness all that weight disappears once you are in the water...

Our first day of diving arrived. We had to assemble the camera's, test them for leaks etc. Use proper techniques of getting into the water, attaching them to yourself as a safety measure etc. Once in the water, the world changed into a mad rush. We were typical first timers who didn't think about what we were filming or getting the right angels, we just wanted to get "EVERYTHING" we saw on tape...

We quickly learned that it is best to plan shots and get less footage than the other way around. Our second day we got to go to the famous dive sites of Hing Daeng and Hing Muang (Red rock and Purple rock). We had a great time and our footage already improved a lot from day one as we were now thinking a bit before doing. The water was a perfect blue with about 25 to 30 meters of visibility, so we couldn't have asked for a better day.

By the last day of the course we returned to Phi Phi to dive the bida's. We were met with very bad weather, bad viz and the worst current the Bida's have ever seen, but we still managed to get some footage and learned that videography and currents don't mix well. On the other hand we were both glad that we experienced it so that we know what awaits on some days when the condition are less than perfect and you have customers with you...

(With three hours to kill before we get to the dive site, why not catch up on some zzzeeee'sss)

All in all we gained an incredible amount of new knowledge and our photography as well as videography skills have improved ten fold...

Thank you so much Phil, Tara and everyone from Scuba Fish.

You guys are the best....

(Some of our pics, after the course...)

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