Saturday, May 5, 2007

Koh Tao

We arrived about mid morning, the heat had already reached at least 32 degrees with a humidity of about 60% so we were literally dripping with sweat, as disgusting at that may sound, by the time that we had walked through six different resorts to find the accommodation we liked best.

We finally found our little dream bungalow in the Sea Shell Resort on Sairee beach +/- 3 minutes drive from the main Pier.

We had a good rest, switched the fan to blow full speed and then we went off to inspect the rest of the resort. We immediately found the resort dive shop and of course it was situated right across the beach bar, so we had a cocktail each and had a nice long stroll along the beach to figure out our plan of action for the next two days...

We woke up very early, as in I mean at 3 in the morning with this screetching sound coming out of the bathroom. It sounded similar to some sounds we had heard outside before and Eugene and I both thought that it was some sort of strange bird. I thought that this bird somehow got into the roof of our bungalow and was now battling to find its way out.

Eugene of course refused to go and check it out, so it was up to me (Just call me Sherlock Holmes) from now on, who got up and very bravely went into the bathroom. Only to find this GIANT lizard thing eyeballing me out of the cornor. I think I was pretty close to a hart attack, and Eugene got up pretty quickly after I ran over him and refused to get off the bed, or sleep any further if he didn't get rid of this thing immediately.

The rest of the day was pretty peacefull, we rented a small motorbike and went for a lazy drive around the island, drank cocktails at various points and found this amazing spot were we decided we would return to the next day to go and do some snorkeling as we couldn't dive due to Eugene's ears.

We had a great time on the Island, we found the most fantastic spots on the Island to watch the sunsets from, whilst sitting on bean bags with your feet in the sand and Thai people doing fire shows and exotic dancing in the background.

We will go and visit again one day...

(This is a Thai Artists house)

Visa Run Travels - South of Thailand

They day finally arrived that we had to get on our way to do our three month visa run. We decided to travel to the Islands of Thailand to see more of the South and to only do a quick border run into Malaysia. We would go to Cambodia or Vietnam a next time.

We got on a bus that took us into the heart of Bangkok where we had to get on the Thai version of the London tube various times until we reached Hau Lumpong train station. Which is the main station from which to catch a land based train (normal not underground) to various borders.

(Bangkok City Centre)

(Victory Monument)
(The upper Tube)

Once at the station we were informed that we couldn't travel to the border of our preference due to the bombing in the south and they closed of that line, so we adjusted our plans very quickly and traveled for about 18 hours to Hat Yai. We then jumped into a taxi and rushed to the border which was another hours travel and then back to Hat Yai where we immediately again got on a bus to Surrathani - another seven hours drive, then after Eugene had a huge fight with a Songthan driver about his taxi fees we got on a ferry to Koh Samui - another two hours travel, we finally reached our first destination very tired, sick of travelling and not quite sure where to go from here.

(Hau Lumpong Station)

(The Train) (The view)
We found it quite amazing that so many people build their houses right next to the train tracks as seen above, very often miles away from the towns. I don't know how they get home as there are no roads...

(Very Colourful bus)

(Hat Yai Tuc Tuc)
We ended up sleeping in a bungalow on Lamai beach. The next morning nice and fresh after a very long shower we explored the island for better accommodation and found a very quiet little hotel called the Holiday Star Hotel where we found accommodation for half the price we paid the night before with much more luxury and a lot cleaner, so we stayed for another two days.

(Lamai Beach Bungalow)

(Holiday Star Hotel)
We spend our time exploring the whole of the island on the back of a small 100cc scooter, going into every single dive shop and walking through the island villages and small little shops. We found a place that has a South African Owner and they promised us that this is the only place in Thailand that we will find a proper South African "Braai" so we immediately decided that this is where we will be having dinner for the evening...

(The Scooter) (Artists House Samui)

(Coastline Samui)

(The Steakhouse) (Braaivleis)

Believe it or not for 1000 baht which is roughly 200 rand, we bought all of this meat, baked potatoes, corn on the cob, two cocktails and three cold drinks. Do we wanne come back to S.A

NO WAY!!! - But is still wasn't our proper Braaivleis.

The next day was pack up and go again, we left early - each armed with a 7/11 hotdog for breakfast and we were on our way to Koh Tao, a very remote island about two hours ferry ride from Koh Samui...

(Local Fishing Boats along the Pier)

(Abandoned ship - Out of Order)

(Samui Pier - Bye see you next time)

A Friend for Sproetjies!!!

Isn't he just adorable...

We could easily take him home, but his Thai lady owner would probably put out a hit on us as she recons he is her everything...

Reef Clean Up Day

Earth week arrived and we signed up to go and do a reef clean up with the Dive Shop.

It was great fun and we found loads of interesting stuff which included:

1. Four Wellington Boots (none of them pairs)

2. A very old diving mask - like the kind James Bond wears

3. A laptop

4. Plates, spoons, forks, a salad server and loads of other kitchen utensils

5. A clay pot

6. Loads of tyres and fishing net

In our two dives we found 362 bottles. Three more bottles and we would have had one for every day of the year.

We did our bit for earth week to save the oceans and its marine organisms, but we realized that it would take a group ten times the size of our group at least a week to really clean the entire area around the island where we were. Very sad!!!

We even found a baby octopus in one of the net's we salvaged. We all took photo's and then placed him back in the ocean (where he belongs)...

The IE Party

We'll what can I say, It got pretty rough, but we had a ball.
It started off with a dinner at Captain's Cornor with the all you can eat barbecue and seafood buffet. The food was great, the company even better. We all had a great meal and spoke endlessly about finally being Instructors and what the future would bring for us.

Obviously all of the above was joined with a couple of drinks and the conversations became all the more along the lines of saying to complete strangers that you've just met "I've loved you since the moment I met you - I always knew it :)"

Anyway as the night progressed it even became more fun.

We were dead tired right from the beginning of the evening because the two weeks of training, exams and nerves makes you more tired than you realized and we figured that we would probably be home quite early, but we kept it up until 3am the next morning. Most of the rest of the crowd went home when the sun came up at 6am.

All and all a very successful party to complete a successful course...

Friday, May 4, 2007

Instructors Exams

So here we are, we worked for two weeks solid to prepare for the big Instructors Exams. Everyday consisted of writing exams, doing presentations, practising our skills in the pool, doing confined and open water classes and getting home work that kept us up until very late at night.

There was very little, but still time for fun in between.

Finally the last three days of the actual IE arrived. We were nervous and not sure what to expect. Was it going to be as the Instructors said it would be...

Our first day started at 17h00 - we were driven up to the Royal Cliff Hotel in Pattaya and sent up to the dreaded conference room where we awaited our exam papers.

After a introduction and filling out of forms etc. We started writing our exams at about 19h00 in the evening. We had three hours of exams ahead of us for the evening, but afterwards came out all smiles as be both passed and completed phase one of becoming an instructor successfully.
The next day started bright and early, we had a confined water session in which we had to perform five skills and give a presentation. Also successful.

Later was our classroom presentation, we shake like alcoholics from nervousness, but another one was completed and we were told we passed.

A early afternoon at home, we spent preparing for the next day and having a rest.

Bright and early again the next morning, was our final day. We got to the boat at 08h00 sharp, went out to Koh Sak and got told that we would do our open water presentations and rescue skills demonstration in a ripping current of a drop in 50. Now we were almost panicking, but you have to work so fast that you don't even think about it.

We completed our tasks and then you get to sit and wait for about an hour to do your final debriefing and hear if there is anything you missed or if you have passed. It is nail biting. But the examiner finally called our names and we were told that we are now fully qualified diving instructors.

What an amazing feeling of pride and relief at the same time.

It was time for celebrations!!!!