Saturday, May 5, 2007

Reef Clean Up Day

Earth week arrived and we signed up to go and do a reef clean up with the Dive Shop.

It was great fun and we found loads of interesting stuff which included:

1. Four Wellington Boots (none of them pairs)

2. A very old diving mask - like the kind James Bond wears

3. A laptop

4. Plates, spoons, forks, a salad server and loads of other kitchen utensils

5. A clay pot

6. Loads of tyres and fishing net

In our two dives we found 362 bottles. Three more bottles and we would have had one for every day of the year.

We did our bit for earth week to save the oceans and its marine organisms, but we realized that it would take a group ten times the size of our group at least a week to really clean the entire area around the island where we were. Very sad!!!

We even found a baby octopus in one of the net's we salvaged. We all took photo's and then placed him back in the ocean (where he belongs)...

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