Saturday, May 5, 2007

The IE Party

We'll what can I say, It got pretty rough, but we had a ball.
It started off with a dinner at Captain's Cornor with the all you can eat barbecue and seafood buffet. The food was great, the company even better. We all had a great meal and spoke endlessly about finally being Instructors and what the future would bring for us.

Obviously all of the above was joined with a couple of drinks and the conversations became all the more along the lines of saying to complete strangers that you've just met "I've loved you since the moment I met you - I always knew it :)"

Anyway as the night progressed it even became more fun.

We were dead tired right from the beginning of the evening because the two weeks of training, exams and nerves makes you more tired than you realized and we figured that we would probably be home quite early, but we kept it up until 3am the next morning. Most of the rest of the crowd went home when the sun came up at 6am.

All and all a very successful party to complete a successful course...

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