Monday, September 17, 2007

An evening in Phuket

We booked into a cosy but basic little guest house, at least we had warm showers for a change which feels like heaven after three months in Phi Phi with cold showers everyday. We went out on the town for the evening in search for normal food other that all the strange Thai food we got during the day on our visa run. We ended up at a shopping mall and spotted the Burger King instantly which is also like heaven after three months of no take aways like McDonald's, KFC or whatever else you could think of as there is no such thing on Phi Phi.
We came across a restaurant which has a huge tank as one of its walls and found a few small black tip reef sharks, moray eels and stone fish in it. There we go got my picture of a black tip, but I'm still not happy as it isn't in it's natural state...
Look Mom, we are not that far from home...
Our evening came to and end and we had to catch the ferry back to Phi Phi in the morning. We are already looking forward to our next visa run in October, which will be a long one...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Carlien,

Phi phi was like Heaven for me and I will read your blog!

Thanx for everything!

I hope to see you soon...

Bye! :D
