Monday, March 19, 2007

Pattaya Waterpark

With the Heat only getting worse and worse in Pattaya we decided to go to the closest "waterhole" that we could find.

Pattaya Themepark and waterworld seemed just the place to be. We were a bit disappointed in the park as it isn't looked after at all. It was once again very sad to see that people seem to start with great ideas and spend a lot of money to build all these tourist attractions, but them not look after it and let it deteriorate into something much less grand than the original idea.

Anyway, we had great fun "cooling down" on the supertube - not that you ever cool down because the water is as warm as bath water.

What I will never understand is that the Thai people don't seem to feel the heat.

Look at the Thai guy looking after the kids that go down the tube. He is wearing a full on track suit.

This is a tower in the middle of the park, you take a "cable car" up and absail down.

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