Wednesday, February 21, 2007


All the way down the steps again and we decided to go and see some of the surrounding small Temples. As you can see they are extremely colourful...

Here again you are not allowed in them unless you take your shoes off. I dressed specifically in a Chinese style top and calve length pants to try and make sure that they will not tell me I can't go in.

There is different rules here for women than for men.

I got lucky as the Monks seemed quite fine with me entering some of the enclosed spaces although most of the Temples in this area are quite open - you don't really need to go in as you can see most of what you want to see from outside. Maybe it had something to do with those birds and my seven years of good luck...

We have been told that this isn't the case in the bigger Temples which we will visit on a next occasion - so if I can't enter those Eugene will have to go and look for me.

Altogether a great day and definitely something neither of us will ever forget.

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