Sunday, August 2, 2009

Krabi to Surrathani to Chumpon to go and get the new boat!nformedthatthisistypicalt

Off to Krabi I was on the morning ferry along with the Captain to travel by bus for six to seven hours to finally reach our destination Chumpon.
Once I arrived, looking forward to getting to a hotel and a good meal. We were taken to the boat builders family home to meet the family. :( I was not happy at that stage, but have been informed that this is typical Thai way of doing things. We've just spent the money on a great big boat, so it is their way of saying thank you and inviting me into their home.

I have now truly experiences Thai hospitality at its very core. All the tourist aspects of life was null and void on this excursion. There is not one piece of furniture in this family home. Everyone is dead comfortable sitting on cement floors (no carpets), young, old, animals and some sort of ferret thing in a cage alike.

They did give me water, but I was slightly concerned about where it came from as it was not sealed. I did a prayer and drank. Still alive so not too bad.

I then got treated to a traditional Thai dinner in a small Thai garden restaurant overlooking the lagoon, before I got dropped off at a not so great hotel in the dockyards, for a night of restless sleep. All on my own - have no idea where I am (Ha Ha). 

All was well the next morning when I woke up, saw the boat for the first time. Got a tour of the town (or at least to all the boat related shops) and then had to catch the bus back to Phuket. What a weekend and boy was I happy when I got to familiar Phuket.

 The new boat 

 Bus stop in Surrathani (change over)

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