Friday, July 2, 2010

The worlds most vile museum. The Siriraj Forensic Museum.

If seeing dead mummified bodies, deformed babies in glass bottles and human limbs which show you in detail what their cause of decease etc. are sounds like a trip into your horror of horror movies, "You know one of those you say you can't watch so you close your eyes but still peep through your fingers" - then the Forensic Museum in Bangkok inside the Siriraj Hospital is one not be missed! If you can stomach it...

They have a collection of some of Thailand most notorious serial killers, all mummified and boxed up in glass boxes for the world to peer at. What a excellent ending for someone who like one of the serial killers on display here who abducted and killed children and then ate their internal organs. He was given the death sentence and then his body was donated to the Hospital to do some tests on, be embalmed and never ever again be given a moments rest. 

Serves him right!

The hospital has preserved the victims of some freak accidents, serious and strange diseases as well as brutal murder victims. As an educational, it is brilliant - you get to see what different wounds look like etc.

They also have a huge section of unborn babies that are in some way deformed, have irreversible illnesses etc. 

Only one down side is that almost nothing is in English, so unless you can read Thai, you better buy the R300 baht booklet before you enter the museum which explains everything.

  Half a head!

 The Serial killer who ate childrens organs.

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