Saturday, January 26, 2008

Downtown Penang

Penang is a very historic Island.

Once occupied by Britain you can easily see the difference in a place that had western influence than from areas like Thailand who had none. The buildings look more like home, the infrastructure are better and cleaner. It just looks like it is a hundred years old, but then most of the buildings date out of the 1800's.
Penang has a rich history of people fleeing their own countries to see if the can make a new life on a major stop along the spice route from just about everywhere in the world, including Thai's, Burmese, Indians, Westerners and all the sub cultures in between.
The Penang museum is a very interesting place and we learned a lot about the area on past and present matters, but unfortunately we were not allowed to take any pictures, so that one will have to last in memory only.
(Apartments on Beach lane, about 150 years old)
(Abandoned building at the pier - use to be part of the courthouse)
(Abandoned building from the outside)
(Huge doors, and old locks)
(Malay worker, enjoying the sunshine outside his residence)
(Burma road, Penang)
(The pickled fruit and spice market)

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