Saturday, January 26, 2008

Fort Cornwallis

We were walking along beach lane on our way back from the pier when we came across what seemed like an old castle wall or a prison and decided to go and inspect. It was Fort Cornwallis, which was built by the British when they occupied Penang right on the coastline with canons and all to protect themselves from any battle from passing ships and "pirates".
They had "wild horses" outside, which turned out to be not all that wild seeing that Eugene went and touched them much to my protests and telling him that we are going to get put in jail. Once in the fort it was like we were set back a hundred years. The buildings are all out of the 1800's and hasn't been looked after too well which is a shame because they have nice gardens and could easily turn the place into something rather special.
(Wild horse, not all that wild)

What I did find very interesting is that the Fort contains the very first church built in Penang, it is over 200 hundred years old, and it is very very small. There is nothing left of what was inside, so it is just a empty building, but it was still cute and special.

Us in Jail (Only pretend)

How to cool down in Malaysia (Find the closest air con unit, even if it is in a public area and make sure yo spread out directly in front of it and lift that shirt.)

(The oldest church in Penang)

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