Saturday, January 26, 2008

Penang, Malaysia - Shopping

We decided to go to Malaysia for our visa run and ended up spending a nice five days on the island of Penang. Our first day we spent shopping and just accustomed to all the different things that we don't get in Thailand.
This was one of the biggest shopping malls we have ever been in, three separate buildings, each with six floors, connected with corridors on some of the levels. We spent a whole day here and could still only get through about a third of the mall.
Amazing how things can be so different, yet the areas so close together - only a six hour drive and we are in a different country with a completely different culture.
We experienced Malaysia as a much cleaner country, the people speak English a whole lot better than what their Thai counterparts do and the Malay food is absolutely Devinne.
See next post for our true Malay Indian food experience.

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