Saturday, January 26, 2008

Penang Hill

We had to take a drive on a public bus through some really poor areas to reach Penang Hill which you could see was millionaires paradise, but one thing I can say is that even the poorest person in penang seems to have better housing than the people do in the Townships of South Africa. Not a lot better, but at least with the major facilities like water and sewage.

To get up the hill we had to take two "trams" and ascended a few hundred feet above sea level, you immediately knew that you were higher up than usual as the stifling heat changed into a much colder and more pleasant climate.

Once on the hill we started off by taking a couple of photos of the view, they didn't come out perfect as their was a lot of mist in the air and most of the town could not really be seen through the cloud.

First on our agenda was the mosque, we arrived just in time to witness a traditional Muslim ritual where people came to ask for good fortunes from Allah. We didn't take photos out of respect, but got some of the decorations on the outside of the building

(massive locks on the doors of the mosque)

We proceeded down the road only to find that we would have to do a +/- 2.8 kilometer walk to get to the canopy walk. Well worth it as the scenery along the way is breathtaking and the houses are mansion with the most beautiful views in the whole of Penang.

The canopy walk is certainly not for someone who has any fear of heights whatsoever, you walk on planks tied to ladders, with a very thin net being the only thing between you and the ground at least 10 stories below you. Your legs feel all wobbly by the time that you get off on the other side...

Great fun.

Eugene found a Giant Forest Ant on our way back, they are about as big as a 2 rand piece, if it is still the same as when we left a year ago. Quite scary, I panicked and dropped the leaf which I was supposed to old for the photo. So this photo is all Eugene...

(more sunny on our way home)

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