Monday, March 23, 2009

The Batu Caves and Hindu Shrine

Next stop was the Batu Caves which little over a year ago was declared one of Malaysia's National Heritage sites.

I was absolutely disgusted about the state of this place. The caves are beautiful but there is rubbish everywhere and there are some areas within the caves which absolutely reek of urine. Very sad as you can see that the Malay people really don't care about the environment or the need to preserve what their country has to offer.

On arrival at the caves you walk to a square which are filled with souvenir stalls and loads of pigeons looking for scraps of food from tourists and seeds that you can buy at the stalls to feed them.

There is a building at the base of the stairs in which Hindu offerings can be placed etc. Then you have to climb two hundred and seventy two stairs to get to the main cave. One the way there are monkeys which if not given food by tourists will grab whatever you have in your hands or from around your neck and make a B-line for where ever they are sure you will not be able to get to them.

Loads of tourists run back down the stairs, kids screaming etc. Very funny:)

This little rascal managed to steal a coconut from a child and a flower necklace from around an elderly gentelman's neck. The kid wasn't happy the guy was in histerical laughter.
Once you arrive at the top you have to again go down some stairs into the main opening of the cave which is the size of four tennis courts. Then again up stairs to get out on the other side and this is where the main part of the shrine is.

The caves are impressive and I can see why it is one of Malaysia's National Heritage Sites, but I don't know how long this will last because sustainability was the very last thing on their minds when the construction and setting of rules took place.
The adjacent gardens

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