Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Similans Trip

A four day, four night liveaboard trip to the Similans which is rated as one of the top dive destinations in the world. 100% worth it....

I arrived at West Coast Divers in Phuket and we were transported in a luxury minibus to Tap Lamu Pier where our hotel on the water awaited us. Once on board we were allocated to Cabins, given the briefing on where everything is on the boat, how the schedule would work etc.

Once all checked in dinner was served and we had time to all get to know each other and our dive buddies for the next days frist dive which was also a check dive to see how everyone is on their air etc.

The first dive was on Anita's Reef. Stunning visibility and no currents which made it an easy site to just relax and enjoy the scenery. Once out of the water Breakfast was served, a combination of western and traditional Thai food. We all had a good helping and before we knew it it was time to kit up again for the second dive of the day at Boulder City. Magnificent rock formations and saw my first two White Tip Reef Sharks.
Back on board, lunch was served. The Boat Leader was not kidding when he said, we basically dive then eat, dive then eat, dive then eat etc. party and sleep.

Third dive of the day on East of Eden. Beautiful reef dive with lots to see. Followed by guess what "EATING" cake and donuts, and then the sunset dive at Elephant head rock. I would love to dive this dive first thing in the morning when the light is optimal for photos.
(Window into the Blue)
The last dive of course followed by dinner, and relax time which consisted of logging our days dives, reading a book, listening to music and the highlight of just about every night playing poker with Halls mints.

The same schedule for four days with different dive sites everyday to look forward to.
Highlights of what we saw was Leopard sharks, Turtles, Octopus, Long Nosed Hawk Fish, Guitar Shark, Harlequin Shrimp, Sea Horses, Ghost Pipefish, Jan's Pipefish, Flying Gurnards and so forth.
On day two we made a stop in Donald Duck bay at which point we could choose between just relaxing and tanning on the boat or going to the beach. I opted to remain on the boat once I saw how many people were on the beach and that there was just about no shade. Good choice as I then got to swim with two very friendly turtles that are residents to Donald Duck Bay. Absolutely made day as they are so used to people I got to feed them cabbage out of my hand and had some great photo opportunities.

The trip reached it's end on the last dive with the highlight of the entire trip when we saw massive Manta Rays on Koh Bon. The most gracious animal in the ocean, with a wing span of about four meters this gentle giant just cruised around us with absolutely no worry in the world about the current or any of the almost forty divers around it.

The Boat, Staff and Divers

The Chef

The Captain

Andy (The Boat Leader)

My Dive guide Kazu, the diver with the best dive eyes in the Andaman sea. He spots everything.

I wish I could go back today....

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