Sunday, September 19, 2010

Lowveld National Botanical Gardens

This garden is one of nine gardens managed by the South African Biodiversity Institute. It is about five minutes drive from central Nelspruit and sitting astride the Crocodile River which has cut deep into the granite bedrock to form a narrow gorge and the spectacular Nelspruit Cascades, it is a must visit when in the area.

The Crocodile river converses with the Nels River. The garden contains no less than two thirds of South Africa's tree species, has the largest collection of cycads on the African continent.

I had a wonderful and somewhat strenuous hike through the African Rain Forest all along the river and must admit by the time that I got the bottom, I wasn't looking forward to walking all the way up, but well worth it in the end.

I saw a coffee plant for the first time in my life and had a quiet giggle at myself for thinking coffee beans looked like the ones you get in the packets in the supermarket - I had no idea they look more like berries and are bright red:)

(Coffee anyone?)

These moss covered steps made me think if I sit here long enough I might find a fairy or two...

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