Sunday, September 19, 2010

Mac Mac Pools

Not nearly as impressive as the waterfall, but none the less a very nice spot to to have a picnic with family and friends and enjoy a typical hot summers day dipping in and out of the pools in a natural setting.

Unfortunately it can get a bit crowded as there are man made barbecue areas and ablution blocks situated at the bottom of the car park adjacent to the first pool. I went on a misty day and stayed away from the crowds, but none the less I was happy to leave when I did as a rowdy tourist bus pulled in with many a occupant very inebriated.

I couldn't help but think, hope one of them is a doctor as the rocks are very slippery, covered in snotty moss and the pools are deep. And then as the first guy dressed in his "Sunday best shoes - not made for rock climbing went flying off a rock and luckily hit the bank on his elbows in stead of the water my thinking went to - May you rest in peace whoever drowns first...

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