Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sudwala Caves

A geological expedition, one done unfortunately without my camera as I was too scared I would crack or scratch my underwater housing and this is the only type of camera you can take on this exploration into what feels like the core of the earth.

For the normal everyday person exploration of three gigantic halls of the oldest known caves in the world is a must and not so hard as you can walk normal with maybe a slight bend here and there. Each formation of stalagmite and stalactite has a name for example the Rocket, Lot and his wife, Madonna and the Monster.

I of course immediately upon hearing about these caves went for what is know as the Crystal tour, rather than the normal tour which means that I had to report for "duty" at about 09h00 am and from thereon spent five hours of crawling through, up and down extremely narrow spaces, through icy water and loads of mud - over ledges which I now fully comprehend why they say no person with claustrophobia or a fear of heights should really attempt this.

What an experience once you get to the crystal chamber. Thousands of tiny "thousand year old" crystals adorn the walls, the roof ,the floor you name it and stalagmites and stalactites of very shape and size is all around you.

We had a good few laughs about some of the shapes which looked oddly familiar from an anatomy point of view and then much to our delight of seeing these crystals our journey back had to start, which means going back the same way you came. Only now we make it slightly more interesting by sliding on our bums connecting toes to "backsides" and switching off our head lamps which means "TOTAL" darkness.

This is possibly the most effective way of getting people to work in teams as you rely entirely on instructions from the person in front of you... Companies that need to do team building take note...

Had a great day and loved the certificate of completion you are rewarded with in the end.

I am now a glorified "Gat Kruiper" literally:)

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