Thursday, May 1, 2008

Arrival in Cambodia

Phnom Penh

Culture Shock of note - and this time I had my mom with me. We arrived really early in the morning after a six hour wait at Bangkok Airport. Note never to plan a trip again over the Thai New Year (Songkran)...

We were dead tired, everything was dirty, but thank goodness for a nice hotel in the middle of all of this, we slept for a few hours and then hit the streets.

After a good rest, it didn't seem that bad anymore...
Talk about getting my mom out of her comfort zone (COMPLETELY). Oops!

Angkor Wat will make it worth while...

(Mom loved this lady, bought silk left, right and center)

(The infamous Central Market)
(Me on a Phnom Penh Tuk Tuk) (Bus Station)

1 comment:

Drielli Gusmão said...

It's very nice to travel huh?
I think you'll like my blog: