Saturday, December 19, 2009

Arriving in Beijing

Guest House Lobby!

Getting my Chinese visa was a bit of a nerve wrecking experience! I sent in all the applications etc. prior to arriving in Bangkok only to find out that it had gotten misplaced and that I had to start from scratch to obtain my visa.

So after running around to obtain copies of everything once again I had everything handed in and then had to just hope and pray that they would issue my visa on the same day, as my flight was booked for midnight that same night to Beijing.

After some winter clothes shopping in fabulous Bangkok, I headed back to the embassy and let out a huge sigh of relief when they handed it over. No problems...

Back to Khao San road to go and pack bags (with the new winter clothes) and off to the airport I went.

Shocker flying out of 35 degrees and landing in -7 degrees... Nothing could have prepared me for this. My nose felt like a Popsicle... After five change over in underground trains I finally reached my stop.

The first thing I saw when I got out of the train station was Christmas decorations and it hit me. If I could be here over Christmas it would have been my very first white Christmas. Should have planned the trip two weeks later...

Two blocks to the left and what felt like kilometers down Xitangzi Hutong (Side street), I reached Wang Fu Jing Guest House. Didn't like the look of it at first, but what a special little place. No. 1 "Warm Inside :)", no. 2 "Help full staff who speak some English", no. 3 "Who cares once you have one and two you are set for the adventure :) :) :)

No matter what time of day there are thousands of people on the subway....

Pretty at night...

Wang Fun Jing Road (Shopping Mecca Beijing)

Giant Christmas decorations....
Finally found my road:)
My Guest House entrance...

Random entrances into Hutong Homes! Typical Chinese architecture has homes completely walled and gated in. If you are in the real poor areas, one of these entrances could be the gateway to about 50 people who live in an area that you will be able to build a small three bedroom house on. The washroom facilities are outside apart from the house area and are shared by a couple of houses. It is common to see people standing outside these gates in the morning brushing their teeth and making polite conversation with the neighbours before they resume their busy lives and rush of to work.

Many parts of Beijing have these low cost apartments that are built on a more westernised style.

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