Saturday, December 19, 2009

A night at the theatre...

On my very first evening in Beijing I decided to go and see a Chinese Acrobatic show.

Not one of the things that was on my list of things to do in China, but seeing that it came highly recommended I decided why not... Wow, how glad am I that I went. It ended up being one of the highlights of Beijing.

This is unlike any circus act or standard theatre show I have ever seen.

Chinese Acrobatics date from 2000 years ago and they certainly have perfected it by now.
Their balance is impeccable and I still can't figure out how on earth they can bend as far as they do. Of course tried it when I got back to the guest house and well lets just say, I am happy that I managed to get myself untwisted again without having to go to hospital.

Let leave this one to the professionals :)

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