Sunday, December 27, 2009

Shopping in Hutongs!

This is where you can loose yourself in tea and dumpling tastings...

These old Hutongs have been changed into an area of urban shopping. Here you pay the real prices for hopefully what is the real deal. It looks ultra chic, yet with a tinge of the typical Chinese architecture and culture which makes shopping for Zara and Rolex a whole new experience... The Rolex store...
Lifelike characters in front of the dumpling shop. The dumplings are to die for good. Of course you can get all the strange ingredients like dog, donkey meat, rat, every possible type of animals intestines and brains. I settled for wild mushroom, chicken and shrimp and I literally licked my fingers off... Fabulous food:)
If you get too tired shopping, you can always take the tram which goes up and down the main street every 15 minutes.

Lavender everywhere on the streets!!!
Giant Tea Pot in front of the Tea House! This is where I bought the most amazing Lavender and Oolong tea I have ever tasted... A mus visit for anyone in Beijing:)

Fresh fruit all down the allies, and how funny mostly imported from Australia and South Africa... This is where all our "good" fruit go...

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