Sunday, February 21, 2010

Monkey Beach...

These monkeys are so cute. They are used to being fed and can get quite aggressive if you do not have the required bananas or watermelon when you arrive. Lucky for us there were so many people that they were taking one bit out of the food and throwing the rest into the trees or water.

This one can't be more than a few days old. Look at his little pink ears...

This monkey was quite confused with this offering from one of the humans. It clearly doesn't look like banana or watermelon and he wasn't too sure that it would be quite safe to go near this thing. Very funny to watch...

They have absolutely no fear. If you drop a banana into the water etc. they rush right in to go and get it. What a nice life, eating, sleeping and playing in the waves all day. I possibly want to be one of these monkeys in my next life...

Famous Maya Bay again...

Time to relax and lie in the sun, one of my families favorite past times. For some or other reason I absolutely hate this and feel that it is a complete waste of time, If there is ever a reason for me to think I was possibly switched at birth or adopted this would be it.

Anyway off we went on a long tail boat to famous Maya Bay (Where the movie The Beach was filmed) for a day of relaxation in the sun. I was armed with a book and a spot in the shade so I was happy.

Mom and Tannie Koekie had a great time swimming in the 29 degree water and inspecting every nook and crannie on the beach.

They both still refuse to try snorkeling... Maybe we'll have buckets before we try it...

Thai Longtail Boat

Vegetation on the island...

Buddhist Offering Mini Temple.

Mum and Tannie Koekie striking a pose...

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Phi Phi Fireshow

It becomes quite funny when your mom who doesn't drink start joking about drinking the famous Phi Phi buckets...

To give them a bit of a taste of the nightlife in Phi Phi we went to see the fire show in Carlitos bar. We had to sit in the back of the crowd as the music was that loud that my mom reckoned she would feel drunk without even having a drink at all if she had to sit in that noise all night. Ha Ha Ha, baby steps at a time - nowhere near ready for a bucket...

The fire show was very impressive.

Phuket - Bangla Road

(Ladyboy's strutting their stuff in front of the Ocean Mall)...

Bangla Road, by far not the most famous road in Thailand but nevertheless one of the famous roads in Thailand's Sex Industry. It is not nearly as in your face as what Walking Street in Pattaya or Patpong in Bangkok is, but you can still get a good idea of what this type of industry is about on a walk about down the road between midnight and 3am...

Not in anyway one of my mom's or "Tannie Koekies" interest, but I felt that I had to take them there to at least see it from the outside as a trip to Thailand is not complete without seeing this and realizing just how disgusting things can get in the "real world"...

Huge lizard that sat on my shoulder....

The Cutest Gibbons

Jumped on my shoulder and started looking through my hair! Didn't find any lice...

This little guy went straight for my water.

A real little entertainer...

Amazing animals - certainly worth while spending some time with. I wanted to take one home. Just didn't like the idea that they are chained to the tree.

Koh Sok Canoeing...

So off we went on the second expedition of the Koh Sok park trip with my mum and "Tannie Koekie"...

I was quite surprised that mom didn't have a bit of stress issues about getting on such a small boat, but they seemed to have a wonderful time. Something entirely new for my mom's cousin as well who has never been to Thailand before.

I was quite happy that I had my Italian friend from the previous Elephant trek to share my canoe with, left the two family members to sort themselves out along the river...

Mom did however shout instructions from the "other" side of the river about having to take photos of her favorite tree... which ended up being a slight issue as the description of the tree matched about ten of the ones directly in front of me.

Got the right one out of about twenty photos :)

(The tree)

Scenic viewpoint along the road...
Me and my mum...