Sunday, February 21, 2010

Monkey Beach...

These monkeys are so cute. They are used to being fed and can get quite aggressive if you do not have the required bananas or watermelon when you arrive. Lucky for us there were so many people that they were taking one bit out of the food and throwing the rest into the trees or water.

This one can't be more than a few days old. Look at his little pink ears...

This monkey was quite confused with this offering from one of the humans. It clearly doesn't look like banana or watermelon and he wasn't too sure that it would be quite safe to go near this thing. Very funny to watch...

They have absolutely no fear. If you drop a banana into the water etc. they rush right in to go and get it. What a nice life, eating, sleeping and playing in the waves all day. I possibly want to be one of these monkeys in my next life...

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