Sunday, February 21, 2010

Famous Maya Bay again...

Time to relax and lie in the sun, one of my families favorite past times. For some or other reason I absolutely hate this and feel that it is a complete waste of time, If there is ever a reason for me to think I was possibly switched at birth or adopted this would be it.

Anyway off we went on a long tail boat to famous Maya Bay (Where the movie The Beach was filmed) for a day of relaxation in the sun. I was armed with a book and a spot in the shade so I was happy.

Mom and Tannie Koekie had a great time swimming in the 29 degree water and inspecting every nook and crannie on the beach.

They both still refuse to try snorkeling... Maybe we'll have buckets before we try it...

Thai Longtail Boat

Vegetation on the island...

Buddhist Offering Mini Temple.

Mum and Tannie Koekie striking a pose...

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