Friday, February 2, 2007

Arrival at Bangkok International

Arrival in Bangkok on 23 January 2007 at 09h00 am (Thai time)...

What an airport - Stunning gardens and built in a very interesting shape. The Airport was very quiet - a lot less people than we expected, but it was quite early in the morning so it might be very different when next we see it.

The heat literally hits you in the face and stomach once you get off the plane. It feels like you've walked into a steem room that has been standing closed for about five hours.

You know that you are in Asia the minute you see these giant pillars of dragons and Thai figures.

Then followed the long wait for our luggage and actually figuring out how to get your luggage. Finnaly we got (ALL) of our luggage - Yippee nothing dissappeared in JHB... and we were on our way to customs control. Here no one has any idea what you are saying. The guys just look you up and down, checks your visa, gives it a stamp with meaningfull force so that the whole desk vibrates and hands it back to you in the same manor. Then you walk...

There are hundreds of people carrying boards with names, and you just tag along hoping that you will find yours. It only took us about a minute to find our driver who also doesn't understand a word of English. What fun!

Then you see the back part of Bangkok - HUGE! and everything is very literally on top of each other. You take a sharp right and you are on some sort of highway which looks more like a dirt road in SA. The trip was bumpy and we couldn't keep our eyes open, but we saw a couple of temples on the way out to Pattaya - didn't take photos as I was not certain if this is allowed and didn't want to offend our driver.

We will certainly go back to visit some of these and take pics as I have in the mean time figure out that you are allowed to take pictures on the outside - no pics on the inside of some of them. One deffinate is that you are not allowed to touch anything...

Our adventure begins!!!!

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