Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Days on the Boat

You start out at round about 08h30 - You get your kit from your locker, which needs to be placed in the correct area for the correct boat and you wait for the taxi to arrive.

You load your kit, then there is roll call to check that all divers are present and on the "baht bus" you get. You drive to the peer or am closeby fishing village where you board the boats and off you go to which ever destination the captain chose for the day.

You have a quick boat brief to once again check that every one is on the boat and then you have time to go and "kit up" - get your tank and dive equipment ready etc. From there you have a bit of time to relax and enjoy the views.

About ten to five minutes before you get to the actual dive site, you have a site brief to tell you all about the site you'll be diving at, what to look out for, what could be dangerous etc.

From there get your kit on as quick as possible, do your safety checks with your "Buddy" and off you go.

You hit the water - 26 degrees (excellent)... The viz is ot always that great, but you see very different marine life here than in SA. The highlight of my dives is when I see little anemone or clown fish - "Finding Nemo's". They are addorable and they love your bubbles...

The front of the boats all have ribbons and flowers etc. attached to the front of the bow. These are offering from the captain to budha. This is very sacred to the captain and none of us are allowed to touch it.

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