Monday, February 12, 2007

Food in Thailand

Well, well - what can we say...

All the stories about rats, worms and insects are very true.

First look at the pics of all the stuff that look normal. These are the things we stick to most of the time... The Fruit in Thailand is absolutely devine. I have never tasted watermelons and pineapples as sweet as the ones you get here and it is extremely cheap. You pay two rand for a pineapple and four rand for a watermelon.

Seafood is very cheap - especially calamari, local fish and prawns. You could go out and have a complete fish with rice and salads for about R20.00 to R35.00 per person. We had twelve proper size prawns the other day which cost us R10.00

The sushi is an absolute treat and when we go out it costs us +/- R100.00 for both of us and believe me you are stuffed by the time you walk out of the restaurant. You get the same amount of sushi that will cost you an easy R500.00 in SA, if not more...

Check out the funny pink fruit. It is roughly the size of a big grapefruit and it tastes like figs!!! - One of these cost 50c... Bargain!!!

Then if you're up for some shark fin soup or steak - you get to pic your own shark out of the tank... Very sad. This is commonly available in most "seafood" restaurants along Walking street.

How about some cockroaches, frogs, crickets, funny worm things, large ants etc.

Whatever your heart desires - you can catch it on your way home running ac cross the pavement and then ask a "Thai Professional" to cook it for you.

Here's me after a boat dive - having a Thai style barbeque "braai"... There is this restaurant where you pay twenty rand per person for a eat as much as you like "braai" - you get small pieces of meat which you barbeque on these funny ot plates. It is served with rice, thai glass noodles, fruit and soup.
We had a ball...

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