Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Chinese New Year

The Thai people celebrate everything - Any excuse for a party. The normal New Year is a hustle and bustle of Western people and look pretty much the same as how we do it with family and friends. They do however believe in traditional food and loads of fireworks.

The Chinese New Year is a three day celebration, this year between 16 & 18 February. The Thai people start their mornings off with the traditional giving of offerings to Buddha. This ranges from placing incense sticks on their small temple structures which they have outside their homes and shops to full on firework displays, food, cold drinks etc.

The noise never ends and every one is in a great mood for the three days.

If the Chinese New Year is such a blast we can just imagine what the Thai New Year is going to be like. This celebration is for a week and it apparently involves a load of water bombs and fun, fun, fun.

We will definitely be taking part in this one. It's in April...

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