Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Out and about in Pattaya!

Our general method of transport in Thailand is our feet, but on the odd occassion of needing to get somewhere far away or when we have heavy stuff to carry we take a "Baht Taxi" - generally discribed as bakkie's with fixed seating on the back and drivers from hell.

Not even a advanced drivers licence will help you navigate traffic in this place. There are no traffic lights, everyone drives where they want when they want. I don't understand how we don't see accidents every day. It seems everyone adapts quite well to the confusion.

On one of our outings we visited the Ripley's Believe it or not museum. Pics of me and Eugene just to proof that we were there and me getting slightly more friendly with Elvis.... Hope Eugene wasn't watching.

Had great fun from seeing things that are really hard to believe like complete portraits painted on a grain of rice and a guy who had a horn growing out of his skull, a dog that was born with spots that look like the shape of a duck and complete replicas of famous statues like the David at full size, but made out of toilet paper.

One of the most amazing things were a ship made from 1 million toothpics.

From there we went to the Ripleys adventure of horror which is basically your typical "Ghost House" with things jumping out at you and strange illusions like a bridge that you need to cross, but they play images that make you think you're falling off the bridge although it isn't moving.

What a weird feeling - It is amazing how your mind can trick you.

Next was the Ripleys marine room - check out the huge shark teeth.... We guessed it right, this one was from South Africa. We feel a lot saver around these oceans.

I want a car one day that have these tyres!!! (Big ass bakkie)

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