Friday, May 2, 2008

Tsunami Memorial

We had a cloudy day and decided to take the opportunity to climb those stairs all the way up to the viewpoint on Phi Phi. Mom took loads of photos and we managed the shop for a while as the owner decided that he needed to go do something at the bottom of the hill and left us in charge.

I can never understand how trusting these Thai people are, if it was South Africa he would have returned to find absolutely nothing left in his store.

That's the magic about Thailand.

From there we explored the Tsunami Memorial Gardens. It was sad to see that it wasn't really looked after properly, but the devastation of that days events and how many people were lost are still very fresh in many peoples' memories.

Maya Bay - Phi Phi

Back in Phi Phi for our last days together...

We did a short longtail boat trip around the Islands, our first stop Shark Point where we tried the snorkeling thing, but mom did not like the mask on her face so we decided to change it into a relaxing day swimming and sunbathing instead.

Off to Maya bay we were.

We stretched out on the beach, and I tried to get rid of my silly wetsuit tan. After about an hour on the beach and in the sea we were off to Monkey beach, where we saw the small little spider monkeys playing in the trees and on the sand.
Had a great day...

Viewpoint Phuket

Next was the new viewpoint where they are busy constructing a massive temple in a Buddha image. I think Phi Phi's viewpoint is prettier, but this was still spectacular in its own way. We could see Phi Phi from up there...

Wat Chalong

Our next stop was the Chalong Temple.

This was much the same as everything we saw at the Royal Palace, but something we did notice was that there were a lot of stray dogs in and around this temple which we couldn't understand.

Our guide Micheal explained that the monks feed the dogs with all the food that are left for the buddha as offerings once the day has ended and that is why there was so many of them around.

We were impressed at least nothing goes to waste and the dogs are not starving.

Cashew Nut Factory

We visited the Cashew Nut Factory and learned how they grow, harvest and produce cashew nuts. Each cashew nut is extracted by hand, it takes this lady ages.

But these must be some of the best and freshest cashews we have ever come across. We bought three packets... Butter, salted and coconut flavour.

Now you know what the reason would be if we all of a sudden weigh 20kg's more.

Only kidding...
(The cashew nut tree)

Miss World

We met Miss World and got to shake her hand...

How cute is she!!!

Thai Elephant Massage

From there we headed off to the highlight of this day.
The Elephants. We started of with a half an hour track along a jungle forest setting on the back of an elephant, once we reached our destination we were sat down to unforgettable elephant show. They played soccer, basketball, danced and had quite a few tricks up their sleeves.

We fed them bananas, or rather they helped themselves as they can't wait that we give them food, they simply take. Then came the fun part, we had to go out onto their play ground one by one for our traditional Thai Elephant massage.

I was first on display and had a nice surprise when the trainer announced that my massage was over and that the elephant had to give me a kiss. He stuck his trunk all the way down my neck and all over my face sucking and blowing anything and everything from water, spit, dust and mud all over me.

A wet kiss I will never forget.

Mom's turn.

We had a fantastic time, mom wanted to take one of these home. Images of those officials faces at the airport keeps getting better and better.

Snake Show Phuket

So we were done with our time in Bangkok and headed off to Phuket.

Seeing that our day tour was such a success in Bangkok we decided to book one for Phuket. First stop the snake show.

Mom and I had a python around our necks, she has the photo to prove it. This followed a show on how to milk a cobra's teeth to get rip of the poison and various tricks with the snakes, by what I hope can be called professional snake handlers.
If they are not, then good luck - I would not want to be in the ring with that King Cobra.

Tiger Temples

After the Bridge over the River Kwai we started off on our hour and a half journey towards the Tiger Temples, of course the highlight of the day for me.

We stopped at a roadside "stall" for lunch in the traditional Thai street style, so I finally got mom to eat food off the road and she survived. Up until now we went to restaurants everyday as the street food was seen as totally out of the question. We're getting there.
We arrived at the Tiger Temples and headed straight for the big guys to have some photos taken. We skipped the normal line and went straight for the special photos section where we could sit with the tigers head in our laps.

I was in my seventh element. Can't I take one home, it doesn't matter that these kitties are about two times as big as me.

Then off to the little ones, had some photos taken again and then walked up to the waterfall section to await the big cats being taken on their afternoon walk down to the waterfall. One of the small cubs is a real little busy body, he attacked my pants on a few occasions and just didn't want to leave another guys flip flops alone.

Did I mention that I was planning on stealing one of these cats. Wonder what the officials at the airport would say when I arrive with my Kitty...

Action photo