Friday, May 2, 2008

Tiger Temples

After the Bridge over the River Kwai we started off on our hour and a half journey towards the Tiger Temples, of course the highlight of the day for me.

We stopped at a roadside "stall" for lunch in the traditional Thai street style, so I finally got mom to eat food off the road and she survived. Up until now we went to restaurants everyday as the street food was seen as totally out of the question. We're getting there.
We arrived at the Tiger Temples and headed straight for the big guys to have some photos taken. We skipped the normal line and went straight for the special photos section where we could sit with the tigers head in our laps.

I was in my seventh element. Can't I take one home, it doesn't matter that these kitties are about two times as big as me.

Then off to the little ones, had some photos taken again and then walked up to the waterfall section to await the big cats being taken on their afternoon walk down to the waterfall. One of the small cubs is a real little busy body, he attacked my pants on a few occasions and just didn't want to leave another guys flip flops alone.

Did I mention that I was planning on stealing one of these cats. Wonder what the officials at the airport would say when I arrive with my Kitty...

Action photo

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