Thursday, May 1, 2008

Angkor Wat (Magical)

I don't even know where to start with Angkor Wat. With all the dirt and the flies, the beggars and the heat, Cambodia simply becomes the number one destination in South East Asia once you have set your eyes on Angkor Wat.

These Temples are the majestic "Pyramids of Asia". I can not imagine Egypt to be better than this. You get goosebumps when you walk through these Temple portals because you simply can not imagine how man could have built structures as magnificent as this with their bare hands so many hundreds of years ago.
(Light entering a chamber in the Temple)
Every inch on every wall has intricate carving and details on blocks out of sandstone that must way a ton.

These Temples exceeded every expectation I ever had, oh and what a relief I am back in mom's good books and I don't have to be forced onto a plane home... For now!!! We are still en route to Bangkok.
You need a few days for Angkor Wat as the Temples stretch over 64km of ground.

Mom decided to stick to her roots and act like a typical South African. She went on strike by the time we reached the second last Temple of the day, the stairs and a the climbing proofed to much, so off with the shoes and out with the magazine. I had to climb all those stairs on my own...

(STRIKE !!!!)

(Trees hundreds of years old break through the Temples and hold the wall together with its roots)

(Locals, these pictures could tell a thousand stories)

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