Friday, May 2, 2008

The Royal Palace - Cambodia

We ended off our previous day visiting the Russian Market and rushing to get my visa from the Thai embassy.

Had a nice dinner and went to bed in our River Front hotel room in the heart of the tourist district of Phnom Penh.
The next morning up again early and still no hairdryer. This must be some sort of record, but we ignored the fact that we couldn't dry our hair and whisked off on a fast driving Tuk Tuk heading straight for the Royal Palace and Silver Pagoda. You can imagine what our hair looked like by the time we got off this Tuk Tuk.

Oh well we look like everyone else who got off Tuk Tuk's so on with the trip it goes.

The Royal Palace has beautiful gardens and building. The Silver Pagoda is especially beautiful as the entire floor is made out of pure silver. Unfortunately we were not allowed to take photos inside the Pagoda.

After the Royal Palace we had two hours to kill, packing, checking out and having lunch before we were back on the Tuk Tuk on our way to the Airport.
Bye Cambodia - we are off to Bangkok...

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