Thursday, May 1, 2008

En Route to Siem Reap

Mom en route to the bus station
(The other side of the river)

(The bus)

Left the hotel all excited about our six hour journey to Siem Reap. We wanted to go by boat on the river, but unfortunately the water level was too low and the rain didn't come yet, so a bus journey through potholes and interesting roadside stops it was.

Check out the local cuisine. Nothing else but Tarantula Spiders. Yummy!!!!!!!!!!!! I thought my mom was going to faint. Right Angkor Wat better be worth while now because my mom is about to book us flights back to SA, and disown me.

Cambodia really has the most amazing landscapes and features. It is green as far as you can see and completely flat. As a tourist you can visit their highest point which is guess how high (25 Meters) Hee hee, what would these people do if they see the Drakensburg Mountains.

OK almost there... Can't wait to see Angkor Wat!!!!!

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