Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Madame Tussaud's Hong Kong

Spending a day amongst the "Stars" so to speak was both interesting and educational.

You get to pose with your favourite Movie star, singer, member of the royal family, sports star and even some famous people from centuries ago for a closeup photo.

Miriam Yeung and Teresa Teng (both famous Chinese musicians)

Anita Mui who entered show business when she was four and Joey Young who is famous as Hong Kong's very own Diva.

 The Twins (Formed in 2001, they portray a positive image of love and life. They are committed to community services and youth development and have won the Honorary Vocational Safety Ambassadors award in 2004.

Tina Tuner looking not a day older than 28...

Michael Jackson (RIP)

Mick Jagger

Freddy Mercury and Elvis

Chiyonofuji Mitsugu, The Japanese sumo wrestler is known as Wolf. Despite being surprisingly small in stature, he has won 31 grand sumo tournaments in his 21 year career. He is one of the most successful wrestlers of his generation.

David Becham

Ronaldo de Assis Moreira (Famous Brazilian Footballer) and Liu Xiang (Chinese Olympic gold medalist for 110m hurdles in Athens 2004).

Mohammed Ali and Sir Alfred Hitchcock (Possibly the best known British filmmaker).

Lee Lai Shan (Hong Kong born athlete in windsurfing, Lee has won many medals including, Hong Kong championship, Asian Games Gold Medalist, two World championships, Five Asian championships and Olympic Gold Medalist in Atlanta 1996 - Leon Lai (One of the four kings of cantopop, his hit Sorry, I love you has won numerous awards).

Sir Anthony Hopkins and Pierce Brosman

Humprey Bogart and Marilyn Monroe

Chiling Lin (Taiwanese supermodel) - strange outfit for a supermodel -  and Connie Chan (Chinese Opera Star)

Me and Einstein
Lee Kwan Yu (First Prime Minister of Singapore) and Shigeru Yoshida (Japan's most prominent post-war Prime Minister - he was imprisoned whilst trying to negotiate the Japanese surrender with the allies in 1945.)

Me and Mao (Mao Zedong is one of the most important figures in modern world history. He was a Marxist military and political leader and philosopher, who led the communist party of China to victory against the Kuomintang in the Chinese Civil War. He is highly regarded as transforming China into a major power through his Maoist social and economic reforms.
Pablo Picasso

 Rembrandt van Rijn and William Shakespeare
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart as a child and Luciano Pavarotti

Madame Tussaud herself (What a tiny little lady)

Millions and millions of people have flocked through the doors of Madame Tussauds since they first opened over 200 years ago and it remains just as popular as it ever was. There are many reasons for this enduring success, but at the heart of it all is good, old-fashioned curiosity. Today’s visitors are sent on a unique, emotionally-charged journey through the realms of the powerful and famous. The museum-style ropes and poles have gone so guests can truly get up, close and personal with A-list celebrities, sporting legends, political heavyweights and historical icons, reliving the times, events and moments that made the world talk about them….

The attraction’s history is a rich and fascinating one, with roots dating back to the Paris of 1770. It was here that Madame Tussaud learnt to model wax likenesses under the tutelage of her mentor, Dr Philippe Curtius. At the age of 17, she became art tutor to King Louis XVI’s sister at the Palace Of Versailles and then, during the French Revolution, was hastily forced to prove her allegiance to the feudalistic nobles by making the death masks of executed aristocrats. Madame Tussaud came to Britain in the early 19th century alongside a travelling exhibition of revolutionary relics and effigies of public heroes and rogues.

Quoted from Madame Tussaud's website.

Gandhi and Hitler (Contrast)

My first public address to the nation :)
Sadam Husain
Bush and O'Bama

Mikhail Gorbachev and Bill Clinton

The Royalties (HRH The Duke of Edinburgh and the Princess Royal. Then Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II)

Diana and Lesie Cheung (Best know for his role in the movie Farewell To My Concubine (1993).

Bae Yong Joon (One of the most recognized actors in Asia) and Yumi Hamasaki (Famous Japanese Pop Singer)

 Janice M Vidal (One of the youngest and most popular singers in Hong Kong) and Meryl Streep 

Eddy Murphy and Mel Gibson

 Jay Chou (Popular Taiwanese musician) and Naomi Campbell
Elle McPherson and Leo Ku (Hong Kong Musician)

Angelina, Brad and Nicole

Johnny Depp and Nicole Kidman
Jackie Chan possibly the most famous Asian Actor - well Bruce Lee is also up there and Kelly Chen (Singer and Actress from Hong Kong)

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