Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Train

After a full day at the Beijing Zoo and the Silk Street Market, I had to literally run back to my guesthouse to collect my luggage and get to the Beijing West train station on time to catch my train to Xian.

After smashing through crowds of people with all my luggage I finally got to my berth on the train. The usual ritual took place of meet and great the other five people who where in the cabin with me, followed by a session of taking photos with the strange white foreigner.

I must have had my photo taken about a hundred times in the first hour on the train.

After an hour of smiling at the cameras all the time, I finally called it a day. Climbed to the top of my bunk bed. Put on my ipod and went to la la land. 13 Hours of train ride to go to get to Xian. Time to catch up on some much needed Zzzzzzzsssss!

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