Friday, January 1, 2010

Panda's again

On arrival in Xian my first priority was to sort out my new Thai visa so that I can go back to Thailand without any hassles. What a nightmare to try and find the embassy in a country where all the road names look exactly the same to foreigners. The Chinese have no problem because they know how to read the different pronunciation, but foreigners are seriously in the dark.

Anyway finally found the embassy about two minutes before it closed with the great help of a local police officer who understands exactly three English words. Hallo, Yes and No... ha ha ha...

Anyway by looking very distraught and pointing at a map over and over again, he finally walked me to the embassy and gave me some dried kiwi fruit. How nice of him...

From there the rush back to the guest house to drop off any unnecessary baggage etc. (this included my bag of dried kiwi fruit which the policemen insisted I keep, and then on to the next plan for my time in the Chinese Historical Capital Xian.

I had the best cream of mushroom soup I ever had for dinner, was a bit tired of Chinese food by now, and decided on visiting the Panda Rescue Reserve just outside of Xian to go and see if maybe somewhere in this country these animals get the treatment they deserve.

So off I went and I was very impressed. The cages etc. still look a bit drab, but one must remember that this is the middle of winter and it makes a big difference that there is no greenery. These panda's here are treated like gods by their keepers (as they should be). They live on a diet of their usual bamboo but they also get a special treat every day of apples and honey mixed in with some sort of protein stuff and milk. They are in absolute bliss :) :) :)

First stop the lesser red panda... I want one

In this photo it looks like he is not so friendly, but in actual fact he has opened his mouth because the tour leader are holding a apple above the enclosure which he is waiting for...

The babies... My favourite!!!

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