Thursday, March 18, 2010

Diving with Rays and Sharks

After the dive with Gracie we moved over to the bigger tank to have some fun with the napoleon wrasse, black tips and the very demanding devil rays who if you do not give them the clams we took with us quick enough sniffs you all over and then start ramming into your BC pocket because they know that's where the clams are.

How much fun was this.

I got to feed devil rays and have them glide over my head, their underbellies tickling my forehead, arms and hands. They are so friendly and entertaining.

The Napoleon wrasse was a bit more shy and instead of taking the clam out of my hand decided to swim up to abut two centimeters away from my hand and then suck really hard so that the clam flies out of my hand into his mouth.

Once the rest of the guys got the idea that I was handing out tasty delights, a feeding frenzy started and my dive guide had to start helping treats out. The bat fish would simply not leave me alone and I felt so bad because I couldn't get the clam out of its shell quick enough. He had to wait a long time for his treat ad the devil ray kept bumping him out of the why. Finally I got bit by a golden trevally who decided he was done with waiting for the clam and my fingers will have to suffice. Only a few scratches nothing too serious.

What a amazing experience, I will definitely do this again...

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