Thursday, March 18, 2010

Phi Phi one last night... DR. FISH ???

Phi Phi in the afternoon - Dark clouds gathering, but no rain...

The end of our trip to Krabi grew near and before we knew it we were on the boat back to the island.

On our last night before we headed for Singapore we decided to visit our local little fish spa Dr. Fish. Me being the only one who has done this before knew that if you are ticklish it would be quite a experience and the of course there is my mother who even though she is not ticklish at all, freaks outs when anything slimy (like fish), nibbles on her.

Well I at least got one photos where her feet was in the water. And the camera went off at the exact right time because she had her feet in the water for a few seconds. I found this very entertaining. Well done Tannie Koekie who embraced it and went through the whole process...

Tannie Koekie's feet :)

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