Thursday, March 18, 2010

Under the Sea

A visit to the Singapore Aquarium is an absolute must. It is not a very big aquarium and the one in Kuala Lumpur is more impressive and educational, but this one has some things I have never seen in a aquarium.

It also offers some unique interactive experiences with sea creatures which I am not a fan off as there are some people that just don;t know what they are doing and I do not believe that sharks or any fish for that matter should be touched by a hundred different people a day, but to feed devil rays, dive with a feed a dugong was on of the most wonderful experiences I have ever had.

More on the interactive parts of my day at the Singapore aquarium later...

Leafy sea dragons...
Weedy sea dragons...
Blacktips and Gracie the Dugong

Pineapple fish

Harlequin Shrimp

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