Thursday, March 18, 2010

Gracie the Dugong

Dugong can be found in the tropical and sub tropical zones of the India and Pacific Oceans.

They eat sea grass and can become up to three meters. Major threats to dugong are entanglement in fishing nets, in juries by propellers of boats and coastal developments that destroy sea grass habitats.

The Story of Gracie

Gracie was found next to her mother who drowned after being tangled in a fishing net near a Singapore offshore island, Palau Ubin, in September 1998. Being just six months old and still suckling then, Gracie's chances of surviving in the wild alone were very slim. Underwater world Singapore rescued Gracie and took her under their care. They brought her back to the aquarium where she is now the healthy young girl who I had the fantastic opportunity to dive and play with.

Gracie was in a bit of a mood on the day, but slowly got use to the idea of this stranger sitting before her with a hand full of yummy sea grass. She approached very carefully, but we soon became best of friends once she tasted her sea grass, and got pat on the back of her head and sloppy little mouth.

This is one of the most incredible things I have ever done. I wish I could take Gracie home. I can spend all day playing with her.

Getting in the tank

Gracie goes for the sea grass

A good pat on the nose for being such a good sport and coming to introduce herself.

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